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Hope Filled Future is pleased to announce its new location opening in early August.  The new office is specifically designed for young children and their families.  The ample office space is held only by Christine Hallman, who specializes in the social and emotional development of infants, toddlers, preschool and early elementary school-aged children and their families.  The office is situated with the hope that each family can come as they are and feel comfortable.  Families should feel comfortable when their young children are as loud and active as they naturally and occasionally are. The waiting area includes child sized furniture and books and toys specifically for the variety of young ages served.  Healthy allergy-friendly snacks are also available because it is hard to behave when you’re hungry.

The office includes a dedicated play therapy room with an observation window so that parents can observe play sessions.  The playroom includes a sink which will allow children easier access to water during play therapy sessions.  In addition, there is a private area for nursing mothers which also functions as an infant and toddler playroom so that families with infants or toddlers will be more comfortable during their sessions with Christine.  The new office also includes a room that Christine uses as an office for herself, but it is also large enough to be used for social-emotional skills groups or family counseling sessions.  Fortunately, this room also has a small nook which will be a calm down area for any child who becomes overstimulated or needs a break during a group.  Christine is excited to be able to increase the range of services that she regularly offers to include children’s groups and parent or child care provider groups and trainings.  The hope is that this new office space will allow Hope Filled Future, LLC, to become known as the early childhood mental health go-to resource in Greater Williamsburg.

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(757) 871-3027

3306 Craggy Oak Court, Suite 102,  Williamsburg, VA  23188

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